Convert videos in AVI, DIVX, MP4, 3GP, and RM (RMVB) format to MPEG files to make them fitting for burning on Video CDs or Super Video CDs. The solution works with different types of optical discs, including CD-R, CD+R, CD+RW, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD+RW, and DVD-RW.
VCD Creator Burner Pro can convert AVI, DIVX, and MPEG files to VCD, SVCD compatible MPEG files. It also can convert MP4, PSP, iPod, 3GP, Zune and RM(RMVB) files to VCD, SVCD compatible MPEG files, then burn to video VCD, SVCD, and burn them to a CD-R, CD R, CD RW, DVD-R, DVD R, DVD RW, and DVD-RW. VCD Creator burner Pro converts your batch files into a compliant VCD Video set of files and burns it on a CD blank media. The aspect ratio can be automatically selected or forced to a specific format. The program works for NTSC and PAL video format and create automatically chapters.
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